Friday, April 17, 2015


More updating to be done soon, but wanted to remember this funny story.
We have been teaching Charlotte about the word "hot," particularly in regards to the oven, food, and cups of coffee/tea. She likes to say "hah" with a funny little squint and her hand up in the air defensively  (which apparently is how I say it to her without realizing it).
She doesn't quite get it as she makes us nervous at times by proclaiming the bath "hot" [wet??] when it isn't, among other food items that really aren't hot. She has started noticing when there is steam coming off something,  like the dishwasher or food, and appropriately announcing "hah."
Last night we went to dinner with Kristen and Mike,  and I took Charlotte to the empty, fenced outdoor seating area two times to run off some steam and general antsiness.  The first time there were about five school aged girls who were running around, and they loved Charlotte,  who marched right up to them waving and saying "hi!" I am in awe of her innate sociability by the way, don't think she gets that from me!
The second time we went out, there was a lady standing outside the yard smoking. Charlotte noticed her right away, and upon seeing the clouds of smoke, started pointing and saying "hot! Hot!" I had a good laugh about it on the car on the way home. I don't think the woman noticed but I'm sure I'll have my share of "Honest Toddler" moments in the next few years :)

Monday, April 6, 2015

Around town

The last week or so has been dominated by some sickness. Charlotte started coming down with a fever on Friday 3/27. She was pretty low energy and grumpy for a few days, but seems back to herself now. Just still has a runny nose. And now Paul and I have it, unsurprisingly. 

Poor little pumpkin was only happy if I let her hold the thermometer, then she fell asleep. 
Once she started feeling better, we have been able to get out for some nice long walks along the river and into the town. I pulled our nice big jogging stroller out and it's a smoother ride than the umbrella stroller, and easier to push too. When I ask her if she wants to go in the stroller, she gasps and starts waving her hands in the air, then goes and grabs her shoes and points to her coat on the hook in the hall. If I take too long, she brings me my shoes too :) 

Along the river Ouse in St Neots
Charlotte loves watching the swans, she says "Mak mak!" [Quack quack]
My big girl!
Town square of Eaton Socon, part of St Neots
St Mary's church in Eaton Socon. Neat graveyard in the church yard.

Saw this small building along the road near the church...
Sign says it was an "ancient lock-up" built in 1826 [ancient = 1826??] to confine local malefactors. Hehe!


Happy belated Easter! To celebrate, we invited some friends over for a potluck dinner on Saturday night. I wanted to have an "Easter brunch" theme, which people were kind enough to accommodate and brought over breakfast-y dishes. It was a lot of fun! 

A nice side benefit of having people over was that it motivated me to get the place more organized, clean, and homey. So here's a look into our clean, organized home. (It never looks like this except when Charlotte's asleep and we're having a party in 2 hours!!)

Entry way, looking toward the foyer
First floor half-bath
Guest room on first floor
Eat-in kitchen; normally we have our dining room table in here, but we moved it out to the porch for the party

Under the stairs -- storage space
Living room, looking toward conservatory
Living room, looking away from conservatory
Conservatory; not usually with large table but we are still trying to figure out how to decorate this room!
"Play area" of the conservatory for Charlotte
Wardrobe room upstairs
Charlotte's nursery
Family bath
"Cubby" room
Master bedroom
Mostly organized!
Master bathroom
Cutest part of the decor :)